Agricultural Secondary School Visit - British International School

On Wednesday 4th April 2012 the Year class of the BIS Primary school visited the Agricultural Secondary school to learn more about plants following a Science topic on HOW PLANTS GROW.

A teacher from the school took the children on a guided tour of the school. The children visited the green houses, learnt about the different parts of a plant, had question and answer sessions about why plants are important, visited the school orchard and vine yard and had a chance to plant their own plants to take home with them. The children were incredibly enthusiastic, and asked many questions, meet some of the students who helped then pot the plants and ended in the school library where they gave a gift of a book about gardens in Britain to the school to say thank you for the visit.

The children were invited to return in the autumn to help pick some apples from the apple orchard and to see how some of the plants had grown that were housed in the green houses. This was a very successful trip and thoroughly enjoyed by children and staff alike.