On the 15th of December 2009 the Primary School held their annual Christmas production. This year’s performance was based on the story of Aladdin. The show was a fusion of a pantomime, modern pop musical and a dance festival. The production took place once again at the African Museum. An amazing three hundred people attended which was the largest number in the history of the school.
Every child in the Primary School had a part in Aladdin and in total seventy-six costumes were required. As you can see from the pictures in this newsletter the costumes were superbly designed and very colourful.
Immediately after the performance some parents expressed these views:
“The show was spectacular”.
“The songs were amazing”.
“The play was fantastic and the actors did great and the costumes were smashing”.
“It was magnificent”.
As an extended writing exercise Year 6 wrote some recounts in the ‘Literacy Hour’ on their thoughts about the play;
“My favourite part of the show was when the Genies came out to do their song and dance, which was fantastic”. (Katia)
“When the show finished three hundred people clapped like a lion’s roar”. (Moe)
“The play went incredibly indescribably inspirationally well”. (Aleksander)
“On the big day the children worked harder than ever”. (Natasha)
Thank you, to all the staff and parents who put so much effort to make this year’s show the best ever. The DVD of the production is available to buy now at the price of 1000 dinars per copy.
What will be the theme of next Primary School Christmas Production? You will have to wait until next year to find out.