On 3rd June this year the efforts of our students who had worked hard towards fulfilling the requirements for their Duke of Edinburgh Awards were crowned by the official Award Ceremony at the White Palace in Belgrade.
The Duke of Edinburgh Award was established in 1953 by HRH Prince Phillip, and a German educationalist Kurt Hahn. The idea behind the Award scheme is to help young people develop a sport or hobby, and discover what they really stand for and what they can do. There are three levels of attainment: Bronze, Silver and Gold. While the Bronze and Silver Awards are presented to students locally, the Gold Award is presented to its winners at the Buckingham Palace.
The BIS is a sole Balkans operator for this prestigious Award, which is highly valued by its recipients’ future universities, as well as by their future employers. This year, for the first time in the school’s history, we had 2 students attaining Silver, while 7 of them attained Bronze. In the absence of HRH Prince Aleksandar and Princess Katarina Karadjordjevic, the BIS students received their Duke of Edinburgh Awards from Mr. Dragan Acovic, Member of the Privy Council. The Award Ceremony was followed by a tour of the White Palace.