With a class size of no more than sixteen students, an expat teacher and a teaching assistant each student can develop and reach their full potential.
School Campus
The Key Stage 2 Campus, is located in 8 Vlastimira Zupana str. It features large spacious classrooms and has a modern bright look. It has a dedicated science area and a large computer room. This school will be used by our Key Stage 2 students in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6.
The curriculum, based on the British National Curriculum, is a subject-based approach. In Year 6, the final year of Primary, students sit Cambridge Checkpoint externally-marked examinations in English, Mathematics and Science.
As well as covering traditional subjects such as English, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, Computing, and Art and Design which are taught by their class teacher, students will also have PE and Music taught by specialist teachers.
For those students needing extra English we have a specialist English as a Second Language (ESL) teacher. For students in Year 3 and above who do not need ESL they have the option of French, German or Serbian as an additional language.
All students are assessed on entry to BIS in order to provide a baseline from which to monitor progress and achievement during their stay with us. After an assessment has been carried out, the class teacher comes up with an individual learning plan for each student based on their level of knowledge which should correspond to their age. The class teacher uses this to ensure access to the curriculum for all students. Differentiation is applied at all stages of learning. The class teacher undertakes continuous assessment of academic achievement regularly in classes. Students are regularly tested and the Cambridge Primary Programme is used as a recognised testing method to determine the level of knowledge, understanding and skill in the core subjects of English, Mathematics and Science at the end of Key Stage 2.
ECA Clubs
In addition to the curriculum subjects, students at the BIS Primary also develop socially through the likes of our extra-curricular activities twice a week (which may range from cooking to pottery to capoeira and many other options).
The school week culminates with an assembly on a Friday afternoon, where students will show off things they have done that week to the whole school. This may be some art work, or reading some English work, or performing with their peers.
The assembly is followed by ‘Golden Time’ where students can select a non-curriculum activity to end the week.
All students take part in an annual show, at an external professional theatre, which parents and friends are thrilled when they come along and see.
Every classroom has an interactive whiteboard and Primary students have both a computer suite, as well as two sets of laptops. These are used by all years, due to the importance of information technology today. Students in all years have both discrete Computing lessons as well as use them during other times e.g. to reinforce their Numeracy and Literacy lessons. A wide range of software is available as well as internet based subscriptions to some UK educational sites.
Parent Teacher Communication
Parents receive information about how their child is developing as the teacher/teaching assistant writes in a student’s Homework Diary. In addition, there are formal reports at Christmas and in Summer. Twice a year there are Parent Meeting evenings, as well as parents being able to arrange to see a member of senior management or the class teacher throughout the academic year.
School Trips
As well as day trips during the year as and when a class teacher thinks it suitable, once a year there is a four-day long trip to a location within Serbia. BIS Primary students for last year’s annual trip visited Ivanjica area. One of the many activities was to take a boat journey around the meandering turns of the Uvac river with its spectacular views as it must be one of the most beautiful parts of Serbia. The students enjoyed the tranquil nature of the cave but did find the minute of silence a challenge. Other activities included swimming in a Spa Centre, a mountain waterfall adventure, a disco party and a monastery visit in the Javor area. The students also enjoyed the natural beauties of Zlatibor going for walks and exploring it with their teachers and schoolmates.
You can schedule your Admissions Conference by sending an email to info@bis.edu.rs or by phoning +381 65 3066 097