Secondary Christmas Production - British International School

This year the Secondary School Drama Club performed an amazing comedy version of ‘Clockwork’ by Philip Pullman. The story is set in Glockenheim in Germany in the old days. The play featured a clockwork Prince fighting for survival against an evil clock maker Doctor Kalmenius.

Our actors all gave superb performances overcoming their nerves and acting with expression. A surprise Christmas ending was added to the story which the audience weren’t expecting.

A highlight of the production was the song ‘Overjoyed’ which was sung a cappella by Prince Otto and Princess Mariposa.

The audience seemed very appreciative of the efforts of the students and several parents commented on the quality of the show at the end.

With scenery and props provided by our art Students and music, sound and technical support provided by music students, the show was truly a collective effort. Many thanks to our Art, Music, Drama and I.T. teachers whose help was invaluable.