We are delighted to inform you that since September 2022, BIS has started wellbeing Ambassadors project. It is a targeted peer-to- peer support intervention, underpinned by positive psychology, designed to reduce the risk of mental health problems in young people now and in later life. The project was co-produced with young people and professionals; it uses coaching techniques to train young people to become Wellbeing Ambassadors and support their peers within the school.
Students who are trained as Wellbeing Ambassadors learn to become better communicators, better listeners, and develop interpersonal skills. They practice being supportive and non-judgemental and are trained to empower others as well as feeling empowered themselves. These transferable skills can stay with Wellbeing Ambassadors for life and help them build positive relationships and protect their own mental health.
Wellbeing Ambassadors learn how to initiate and run campaigns. Being a Wellbeing Ambassador boosts self-esteem and demonstrates empathy, reliability, compassion, and trustworthiness, and, for those who run initiatives, leadership skills. Wellbeing Ambassadors have organised a Bake sale to raise money for creating a room within the school that they named: “The Chill Room”. It is equipped with social games that can give the opportunity to students to engage in activities that can make them feel better in the moment. Another wellbeing initiative organised by Wellbeing Ambassadors was the Basketball tournament.