The week of 2 – 6 March was on in which virtually every BIS student (and several teachers!) once again took part in the international event, World Education Games. Split into 3 competitions, World Spelling Day, World Maths Day and World Science Day our students competed against thousands of others throughout the world.
In total during this week around 360,000,000 questions were answered correctly by students. BIS played its part and there were some amazing results here in Belgrade with our students answering just under 200,000 questions correctly.
Our two top classes excelled finishing up on the world leader board twice each. Year 2 students (in the 4-7 year old category) were the 15th best class in World Science Day and 37th in World Spelling Day. Year 9 students (competing in the 14-18 year old category) were the 38th best class in World Spelling Day and 37th in World Science Day.
Individually 3 school members were within the top 100 for their category. In World Science Day Louise M came 56th, and Miss Asja came 55th in the Teachers category. Another BIS teacher who took part, Mrs Lambert, a well-renowned scrabble expert, came 6th in the world in the World Spelling Day teacher’s category.
We celebrated the success of the Primary students when during their normal weekly assembly time the whole assembly was given over to celebrating their achievements. It took two Year 1 volunteers to carry all the certificates that were to be presented into the hall.
There were so many certificates that having asked the students how many hours they wanted the assembly to take they decided that it was probably better just to give out the Amethyst, Sapphire and Ruby ones in assembly and for their class teachers to give out the participation certificates.
A special assembly was also held for the Secondary students where those receiving the top participation awards collected them from the Principal, including 2 for our top students, Victoria L and Marija M, who between them answered just over 7,000 questions.
Well done to all! We look forward to the event in 2013.